Saturday, March 21, 2009

Third Prep Class - March 18

This class was one that I've really been looking forward to. We got our calendars!

After talking about the classes that were going to be offered and then the history lecture (on Renaissance England this time) we broke up into our semester groups and talked about what our class schedule would look like, and what the course calendar was for our trips and such.

A typical weekday:
8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Clean-Up
9:00am First class begins
Afternoon: Study, field assignments, exploration, etc.
4:45pm Gather for spiritual thought and prayer
5:00pm Dinner
6:00pm and on: Study, concert-going, theater, etc.

They wanted us to have an early dinner so that the rest of the evening could be spent out and about. There are so many productions I want to see, I'm excited that they're accommodating to that!

Class Schedule:
9-11:10 English
11:20-12:30 History

12:10-1:20 History

Field Trips

9-11:10 English
11:20-12:30 History

In London Field Trips

Free Day


Okay... here's the best bit: Where we're going!
As you noticed, Wednesdays are our field trip days where we go out of London and travel across the country. These are the places we're planning to visit.

July 1: Bath
July 8: Cambridge (Just in time for Darwin's Anniversary Festival)
July 15: Canterbury/Dover
July 20th-24th: An extended trip to Edinburgh, Scotland and through the Lake District
July 29: Portsmouth/Chawton
August 5: Stratford (SHAKESPEARE!!!!)

Yep, so those are the basics of what we learned on the 18th. We also found out that we get a BYU London center backpack in the beginning of April if we have everything we need done. I'm basically there, so I'm looking forward to a new backpack! :P

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