Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fourth Prep Class – March 25

We started class out with a practice quiz over major people/events in English history. I didn’t do so hot, which isn’t surprising since I haven’t started memorizing all the dates yet. Something I should probably start doing. I got a few of the correct answers, and was able to confidently say some things that DIDN’T happen on certain dates. For example, I knew Charles I ascended to the throne before 1660. I was excited that I knew that. I felt smart, haha.

After the “quiz” we moved on to the history lecture. We talked about 16 and 1700s. A fairly interesting time, lots of things happening. The black plague… the Great Fire, Isaac Newton, the first dictionary by Samuel Johnson, and of course King George III and the American colonies.

After the history lecture, we took a break and split up into our semester groups. Professor Hawkins gave us another quiz, but this one was just for fun. It tested our knowledge of English culture. I knew some of the answers easily, and others surprised me. For example:

What would the English say about Hitler?
A) Butcher
B) Madness
C) A guy that almost destroyed England
D) Not the nicest of guys.

The answer was D! What does that tell us about the English? They understate EVERYTHING. They aren’t fans of the extreme, so it’s important for us not to be too exuberant while we’re out and about. One of the other questions was:

About how many pints of alcohol does a person consume on average, per year? [I can’t remember the exact numbers, so I’ll estimate about where they were]
A) 100-200
B) approx. 400
C) approx 850
D) +1100

The answer? D!!! Can you believe it! That’s sooo much alcohol! It’s true that alcoholism is a major problem in the UK. As a BYU student, and as a member of the LDS church, I will NOT be trying the drinks in England. Water, milk, and soda for me!

Toward the end of the class period Dr. Evans came in and talked a bit more about center life. We will have chore rotations every two weeks to keep the center in tip top shape and all our classmates happy. For example, on kitchen duty the jobs include prepping dinner, setting the tables, doing dishes, etc.

Then we talked about packing. They told us to think like pioneers, only take the necessities and nothing more. We have 1.5ft of closet space, and one large drawer under our bed. The end. No more. SO, luggage that is easily compacted is good (I’m going to try borrowing my brother’s large duffel bag, big enough it could fit a body in it… not that that’s why I’d be using it… but I could… ANYWAY… so I’d only be taking clothes to get me through one week, and probably two pairs of shoes, one for walking, one for church. A towel too because the only towels they have there are old and threadbare. Then of course the necessary toiletries, unless you want to buy all new there, which I’d rather not do.

Finally, Dr. Evans told us about how much the typical student spends per semester. Somehow I don’t think I’m going to be within that range. I’ve already started talking with some other girls about a trip to Ireland one weekend. Ireland is another place that’s on my dream list of places to visit. Possibly a trip to Paris too, but we’ll see. That trip’s a bit more expensive.

So that’s what’s been happening this week! It sounds like Harry Potter is definitely on, so I’m thrilled about that. Everything else seems to be looking good too.  Happy Allison!

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